Achim Mrs. Célina, wid. ısaïe 49 chemin de  Chambly
Achin Ant. 45 Saint-Laurent
Adam Edmond 66 chemin de Chambly blacksmith
Anglican church rev. Thomas Everet Saint-Charles rector
Arcand Noë 13 Saint-Laurent moulder
Archambault Pierre 15 Radegonde laborer
Arpin Jos 12 Saint-Thomas fisherman
Arpin Louis 199 Saint-Charles laborer
Aubertin Augustin 57 Saint-Laurent joiner
Aubertin Louis 18 Bord de l'eau shoemaker
Audet dit Lapointe Magloire 2 Saint-Adolphe laborer
Bachan Antoine 15 Saint-Laurent joiner
Barton J. C. 9 Saint-Sylvestre W. Notman & Co.
Beaudoin Wilbrod 20 Longueuil chief of police
Beaudry AuguSainte 54 chemin de Chambly proprietor Hotel du Peuple
Beaulieu Aubert 31 Saint-Thomas laborer
Beaupré Fidèle 48 Grant tinsmith
Beck Mrs R. wid. George 30 Saint-Laurent
Bélair Olivier 8 Saint-Léon laborer
Béland Charles 8 Saint-Léon laborer
Béland Jos 6 Saint-Léon laborer
Bellerose Joseph 51 chemin de Chambly painter
Bénard Antoine 5 Caroline laborer
Bénard Michel 8 Saint-Adolphe joiner
Bénard Mrs Charlotte wid. Frs. X. 8 Saint-Adolphe
Benoit François 32 Saint-Charles farmer
Benoit Jean 29 Saint-Charles flour merchant
Benoit Olivier Chambly tollgate
Bérard Rev. P. J. H. Saint-Charles chaplain of Convent of St Nom de Jésus et Marie
Bertrand Camille 20 Grant tailor
Beverley Mrs A., wid. Chs Wm 89 Saint-Charles
Birks Henry Victoria av jeweller
Birs dit Desmarteau Norbert 34 Saint-Alexandre bookkeeper
Bissonnette Mrs Adéline, wid. Jean Bte. 47 Grant grocery
Bissonnette Mrs Louise, wid. Amable 9 Saint-Thomas
Blanchard Joseph 30 Sainte-Élizabeth laborer
Boisvert Miss Victoria 64 Saint-Charles
Bonnell Walter 26 Saint-Laurent, opp merchant
Bonneville Mrs E., wid. Siméon 17 Guilbault av
Bourdon Captain Chas 127 Saint-Charles
Bourdon Cyrille 9 Saint-Jacques moulder
Bourdon F. 5 Saint-Thomas laborer
Bourdon Jos 32 Saint-Laurent laborer
Bourdon Louis 30 Saint-Sylvestre laborer
Bourdon Louis 19 Saint-Sylvestre wheelwhright
Bourdon Narcisse 5 Saint-Jacques fisherman
Bousquet Bruno 10 Saint-Alexandre bricklayer
Bousquet Christophe 48 Saint-Thomas mason
Bousquet Hubert 41 Saint-Laurent horse and cattle dealer
Bousquet Joseph 1 Saint-Jacques stonecutter
Bousquet Stanislas 30 Longueuil jun. Bank clerk
Bousquet Xavier 6 Saint-Jean laborer
Bouthillier Adolphe 45 Saint-Charles painter
Bouthillier Clément 40 chemin de Chambly joiner
Bouthillier Frédéric 26 Sainte-Elizabeth painter
Bouthillier J. A. 113 -115 Saint-Charles groder and dry goods merchant
Bouthillier Joseph 15 Saint-Thomas fisherman jun.
Bouthillier Jos 16 Saint-Thomas fisherman sen.
Bouthillier Moïse 54 Saint-Charles notary
Bouthillier Mrs Marie, wid. Jos 47 Saint-Charles
Bouvier Jean Bte. 46 Saint-Thomas moulder
Boyd Thomas 31 Guilbault av bookkeeper
Brais Antoine 3 Longueuil laborer
Brais Antoine sen 3 Longueuil laborer
Brais Pierre 25 chemin de Chambly notary
Brault Godfroy 20 Sainte-Elizabeth laborer
Bréard Charles 9 Sainte-Caroline laborer
Bréard Henri 21 Saint-Jean laborer
Bréard Honoré 14 Saint-Thomas laborer
Brien dit Durocher Hubert 48 chemin de Chambly trader
Brisset Antoine 9 Saint-Antoine farmer
Brisset F. X. 213 Saint-Charles farmer
Brisset Gabriel 39 St Lawrence
Brissette Damase 39 Saint-Laurent cor Saint-Alexandre livery stables and proprietor of the Express Longueuil
Brisson Louis 107 Saint-Charles barber
Brochu Jean Bte 26 Saint-Jean
Brodeur Isidore 45 Guilbault av trader
Brossard Rev. L. M. 26 Grant
Brosseau Isidore 48 chemin de  Chambly joiner
Brosseau Louis 48 chemin de Chambly painter
Brunelle Mrs. Zoé, wid. Joseph 11 Radegonde
Burnette Frank H. 71 Saint-Charles of H. Burnette & Co. bds
Bury George 19 Saint-Charles real estate agent
Buteau Adolphe 18 Longueuil clerk Court house, Montreal
Butler T. P. 2 Saint-Jean advocate
Cadieux Romuald 126 Saint-Charles labore
Camerlin Eugène 91 chemin de Chambly trader
Candlish Charles
Carrière Alfred 159-161 Saint-Charles sexton, Catholic church
Carrière Napoléon 169-171 Saint-Charles, h chemin de Chambly painter
Castonguay Théodore & Co. 27 Saint-Charles proprietor St Lawrence hotel
Chagnon Joseph 55 chemin de Chambly
Chaput Louis 30 Guilbault av joiner
Charbonneau Émilien 27 Thomas moulder
Charbonneau Louis 21 Grant Shoemaker
Charbonneau Thomas 20 Sainte-Elizabeth moulder
Charbonneau Toussaint 12 Saint-Alexandre
Charon Hubert 21 Saint-Alexandre
Charron Chs 143 chemin de Chambly carter
Charron Misses Josephine & Marie 17 Saint-André dressmakers
Charron Narcisse 7 Saint-Jean fisherman
Charron Philippe 14 Saint-Thomas fisherman
Cherrier Mrs P. 65 Grant
Chicoine Edouard 39 Grant carter
Christian Brothers College brother Victorien

brother Sylvain
teacher of the commercial class

brother Edouard
teacher of the 2nd French class

brother Fabien
teacher of the 3rd French class

brother Matha
teacher of the 4th French class

brother Macairius
teacher of the 5th French class

brother Augustin
prefect of studies

brother Odossée
prefect of studies
Collin Dolphis 44 chemin de Chambly butcher and bdg hse
Collin Joseph 189 Saint-Charles tinsmith
Collin Joseph 114 Saint-Charles trader
Collin Olivier 112 Saint-Charles butcher
Comtois Charles 16 Saint-Alexandre laborer
Comtois François 7 Radegonde laborer
Comtois Joachim Saint-Adolphe
Convent of St Nom de Jésus et Marie siSainter St François, superioress Saint-Charles
Cooper Charles Quinn av traveler
Cooper Wm Victoria av
Cotté Henri 10 Saint-Sylvestre
Craven W. J. Dufferin and Princess Royal Av, cor of of McClellan, Craven & Co.
Crevier Alfred Saint-Thomas conductor G.T.R.
Crevier & Bro.
38 Saint-Charles joiners and carpenter
Crevier Geo 38 Saint-Charles of Crevier & Co.
Crevier Jos. W. Hochelaga of Crevier & Co.
Crevier W. 38 Saint-Charles joiner
Currie W. F. Victoria av of W. F. & D. Currie
Cusson Alfred, sen. 36 Grant foreman
Cusson Alfred, jun. 34 Sainte-Elizabeth moulder
Daigneau Hubert 37 Grant butcher
Daigneau Mrs. Marie, wid. H. 179 Saint-Charles
Daigneau Toussaint 46 Grant
Daigneau Napoléon 179 Saint-Charles butcher
Dagenais Magloire 32 chemin de Chambly law student and deputy registrar, bds
David Narcisse 79 chemin de Chambly laborer
David Frs. X. 42 Grant carter
D'Avignon Pierre 5 Charlotte M. D.
D'Avignon Wilfird 5 Charlotte notary and professor of music
Davis James 14 Saint-Thomas
Delâge Joseph 95 chemin de Chambly mason
Delâge Michel 18 Radegonde joiner
Delâge Octave 14 1/2 Saint-Charles carpenter
Delisle Mrs Julie, wid. Charles Saint-Jacques
Dellière Mrs M., wid. Henri 63 chemin de Chambly
Delorme J. Bte 127 chemin de Chambly laborer
Déneville Pierre 45 Saint-Charles laborer
Déniger Charles 111 Saint-Charles joiner and contractor
Déniger Charles 111 Saint-Charles milliner
Demers Étienne 39 Saint-Charles hotelkeeper
Demers Napoléon 45 Grant shovelmaker
Derome Léon 10 Grant butcher
Deslauriers Antoine 18 Saint-Sylvestre
Deslauriers Jean B. 73 Grant carter
Deslauriers Jos 9 St Caroline laborer
Deslauriers Mrs F., wid. Oct. 6 Saint-Thomas
Deslauriers Oct. Jun. 6 Saint-Thomas laborer
Desmarteau Louis 41 Saint-Thomas carter
Desmarteau Pierre 31 Sainte-Elizabeth farmer
Desnoyer Onésime 131 chemin de Chambly baker
Dick Samuel R. 1 -3 Saint-Thomas lapidary
Dion Louis Chambly n tollgate laborer
Dominion Telegraph Co Paul A. L'Esperance 149 Saint-Charles operator
Donnely Pat. J.
of P. & F. Donnely
Dragon Abraham Guilbault av carter
Dubuc Eusèbe 78 St Elizabeth joiner
Dreault Mrs. Lida, wid. Emile 8 Saint-Adolphe n
Dubuc Alexis 110 Saint-Charles blacksmith
Dubuc Joseph 5 Longueuil blacksmith
Dubuc Luc 18 Saint-André farmer
Dubuc Misses 4 Saint-Etienne dressmakers
Dubuc Mrs Zoé, wid. Augustin 4 Saint-Etienne
Dubuc Philéas 61 Grant milkman
Dubuc Pierre 30 Grant insurance agent
Dubuc Toussaint 53 Saint-Laurent lumber merchant
Ducas Achille 34 chemin de Chambly joiner
Dufort AuguSainte 7 Sainte-Elizabeth carter
Dufort Marcel 51 Saint-Laurent
Dulude F. X. 47 Saint-Jean laborer
Dulude Mrs. Aurélie, wid. Louis 42 Guilbault
Dunn Robert 34 Bord de l'eau merchant
Durocher Honoré 77 chemin de Chambly laborer
Dusseault Xavier 23 Saint-Thomas laborer
Duval & Gélineau
31-33 Saint-Charles lumber merchants
Duval Joseph Quinn av
Duval Théophile 5 Saint-André laborer
Duval Louis 32 Saint-Laurent joiner
Edson Allen 22 Saint-Jean artist
Engersoll J. M. 33 chemin de Chambly, bds clerk
Evans Thomas 12 Bord de l'eau of Evans & Evans
Evans T. J. 7 Saint-Alexandre of Evans & Son
Evans Thomas 12 Bord de l'eau agent Provincial Insurance Co.
Everett Rev. Thomas Saint-Thomas rector Anglican church
Fausse Adolphe 55 Saint-Charles veterinary surgeon
Fausse J. Bte 43 Grant carter
Favreau Ernest E. 19 chemin de Chambly organist and professor of music
Favreau Eusèbe Aqueduc, bdg hse
Favreau J. Bte 34 Saint-Jean
Favreau Joseph 8 Saint-Adolphe heater
Favreau Joseph 63 chemin de Chambly joiner
Favreau Louis 75 Sainte-Elizabeth laborer
Favreau Michel 4 Saint-Alexandre carpenter
Ferguson J. S. Aqueduc boat builder
Fire Station P. Goyette Saint-Charles, Longueuil market guardian
Fonrouge Alexis 149 chemin de Chambly tollgate keeper, sec.-treas. Of schools for Longueuil Parish
Fonrouge Toussain 7 Saint-André laborer
Fortier Alfred 19 chemin de Chambly M. D.
FoSainter Edward 3 Saint-Alexandre clerk
FoSainter Frank 3 Saint-Alexandre clerk
FoSainter James 8 Saint-Jean general agent
FoSainter Mrs M., wid. Abraham 3 Saint-Alexandre
FoSainter William 3 Saint-Alexandre traveller
Foulds John Saint-Thomas
Gadbois Alex. 117 chemin de Chambly laborer
Gadbois Dolphie 69 Grant laborer
Gadbois Ernest 40 Saint-Charles saddler
Gadbois Julien 40 Saint-Charles saddler
Gadbois Laurent 103 Saint-Charles saddler
Gariépy Adolphe 57 chemin de Chambly superintendent of North Shore Railway Co.
Gariépy Alfred 44 Saint-Jacques teller Banque d'Hochelaga
Gariépy George 10 Saint-André engineer
Gariépy Joseph 35 chemin de Chambly
Gariépy Médéric 12 Saint-Jacques butcher
Gariépy Octave 41 Saint-Charles blacksmith
Gariépy Victor
clerk G.T.R.
Gauthier Antoine 12 Radegonde laborer
Gauthier Joseph 13 Radegonde fisherman
Gauthier Mrs A., wid. Laurent 20 Radegonde
Gauthier Joseph 10 Saint-Thomas carter
Gauthier Laurent 23 Grant carter
Gauthier Miss Aurélie 20 Radegonde
Gauthier Philéas 107 chemin de Chamnbly laborer
Gauthier Octave 2 Radegonde laborer
Gauthier Onésime 229 Saint-Guillaume moulder
Gauvreau Nap. 31 Saint-Charles h 40 Saint-Charles flour merchant
Gear Henry J. 1 Saint-Alexandre tea merchant
Gélineau Laurent 4 Saint-Antoine of Duval & Gélineau
Geoffrion Pierre 5 Sainte-Elizabeth laborer
Geoffrion Louis 14 Saint-Caroline laborer
Girard George 11 Saint-Jacques shoemaker
Girard Pierre 105 Saint-Charles laborer
Girard F. X. 63 Saint-Charles M. D.
Glassford A. W. 6 Sainte-Elizabeth
Glassford G. 6 Sainte-Elizabeth hardware
Glassford Mrs Mary Anne, wid. James A. 6 Sainte-Elizabeth
Glenney Jacques 13 Saint-André painter
Goyette Aug. 32 Guilbault av carter
Goyette Camille 14 Sainte-Caroline carter
Goyette Etienne 15 Sainte-Elizabeth carter
Goyette Frs. 7 Saint-Thomas
Goyette Jos 11 Sainte-Elizabeth carter
Goyette Toussaint 9 chemin de Chambly laborer
Goyette Toussaint 28 Saint-Jean laborer
Goyette Toussaint Saint-Laurent laborer
Grey Nuns Hospital
26 Grant
Grignon Gilbert 14 Saint-Sylvestre carpenter
Grimard Aimé 12 Saint-Thomas carpenter
Grimard E. 11 Saint-Thomas engineer
Guertin Mrs Salonie, wid. Narcisse 65 chemin de Chambly grocery
Guertin Narcisse 40 Saint-Laurent, h 38 Saint-Laurent grocer
Hanna G. H. 1 Saint-Jacques sec.-treas. Montreal Warehousing Co.
Hart Alexander 43 Sainte-Elizabeth traveller
Hartland Charles 33 chemin de Chambly, bds
Hawksley Frederick
Hawksley George Saint-Laurent and Saint-Jacques cor lithographer
Hearn George 16 Saint-Alexandre bds clerk
Hébert François X. 31 Saint-Jean laborer
Hébert Hypolite 40 Guilbault av carter
Hébert Richard 19 Saint-Caroline laborer
Hébert Wilfred 54 Sainte-Elizabeth carter
16 Saint-Alexandre bds clerk
Huete F. Xavier 47 Saint-Jean laborer
Hugras Louis 28 Saint-Laurent laborer
Humphreya Mrs Elizabeth, wid. Wm. 23 Saint-Alexandre
Hurteau Isidore 8 Charlotte maire de Longueuil, office Longueuil market
Hurteau Pierre E. 32 chemin de Chambly, h 4 St Antoine notaire public, capt. De milice, jute de paix,

conseiller et régistrateur du comté de Chambly
Jenkins J. 33 chemin de Chambly, bds com traveller
Jinks William Montarville hotel bds engineer Longueuil water works
Jodoin & Co. Foundry
St Elizabeth, bet Saint-Jacques and St Alexandre
Jodoin Capt Ferdinand 47 Saint-Laurent wood merchant
Johnston Mrs Emilie, wid. Wm. D. 32 Longueuil
Jolivet AuguSainte 151 Saint-Charles, h 46 Chambly tinsmith
Jones Richard 25 Guilbault av laborer
Jones W. J. M. Dufferin R. R. supply, of Jones & Burland
Keary James 8 Saint-Alexandre photographer
Kelly John Bord de l'eau contractor
Labelle George 99 Saint-Charles, h 101 Saint-Charles painter
Labonté J. Bte 3 Longueuil and 28 Saint-Charles farmer
Labonté Pierre 34 Saint-Charles carter
Labonté Vital Saint-Laurent laborer
Lachapelle S. 131 Saint-Charles carpenter
LacoSainte Olivier 75 chemin de Chambly carriagemaker
Lacroix André 57 Saint-Charles blacksmith
Lacroix Medéric 24 Longueuil shoemaker
Lafortune dit Tellier P. 28 Saint-André laborer
Lahaise Frs. 81 Saint-Charles, h 83 Saint-Charles general merchant
Lajeunesse Alfred 99 Saint-Charles laborer
Lajeunesse Fres. X. 70 Saint-Charles trader
Lalumière Etienne 10 Radegonde joiner
Lalumière Etienne 78 Saint-Charles shoemaker
Lalumière Nar. 20 Grant clerk
Lalumière Narcisse 27 chemin de Chambly shoemaker
Lamarche Hyacinthe 141 chemin de Chambly laborer
Lamarre Alexis 12 Longueuil
Lamarre Alfred 34 Saint-Jean carpenter
Lamarre Hubert 42 Grant joiner
Lamarre Mrs Henriette, wid. Alexis 27 Saint-Thomas
Lamarre Toussaint Saint-Jacques joiner
Lamarre Victor 84 Saint-Charles n barber
Lamoureux Alfred Saint-Caroline laborer
Lamoureux Joseph 6 Saint-Etienne laborer
Landel Mrs Catherine, wid. G. 35 Guilbault av
Langland Frank 33 chemin de Chambly, bds clerk
Langland William 33 chemin de Chambly, bds broker
Lapointe Albert jun. 13 Sainte-Elizabeth carter
Lapointe Albert sen. 13 Sainte-Elizabeth carter
Lapointe Charles 43 Grant plaSainterer
Laporte Louis 129 chemin de Chambly farmer
Laporte Pierre 97 chemin de Chambly farmer
Larin Louis 25 Saint-Alexandre blacksmith
Laroche Charles 9 Saint-Caroline
Laroche Charles 15 Saint-Thomas
Laroche Honoré 14 Saint- Thomas laborer
Larocque Elie 74 Saint-Charles saddler
Larocque Léon 99 chemin de Chambly butcher
Lasonde Jean Bte jun. 61 chemin de  Chambly butcher
Latour Ephrem 107 Saint-Charles collecting agent
Laurin Frs. 8 Saint-Thomas carter
Laurin Joseph 8 Saint-Thomas carter
Laurin Sévère 31 Saint-Alexandre G.T.R.
Lauseau Mrs Louise, wid. Louis 24 Radegonde
Lavigne Adélard 28 Saint-Elizabeth, h 30 Saint-Thomas butcher
Lavigne Jean Bte 30 Saint-Thomas
Lavigueur Alexis 17 Saint-Thomas joiner
Lavigueur Jean 13 Saint-Caroline laborer
Lavigueur Mrs Domithilde, wid. François 37 Saint-Laurent
Lavoie Alphonse 2 Longueuil blacksmith
Lavoie Joseph Guilbault av joiner
Lavoie Ludger 49 Saint-Jean laborer
Lebeau Frs. Xavier 16 Saint-Charles insurance agent
Lebeau Jos 28 Guilbault av foreman
Leblanc Jos 16 Saint-Jean joiner
Leithead J. B. 5 Saint-Alexandre merchant
Lemoine Prosper 27 Grant shovel manufacturer
Lemieux Elzéar 27 chemin de Chambly joiner
Lépine Mrs Philomène, wid. Félix 8 Radegone
Lespérance Amable 46 Saint-Laurent joiner
Lespérance Edouard Saint-Sylvestre painter
Lespérance Frs 1 Saint-Caroline carter
Lespérance Isaïe 203 Saint-Charles butcher
Lespérance Jacques 6 Grant carter
Lespérance Jean Bte 4 Radegonde laborer
Lespérance Joseph 93 Saint-Charles
Lespérance P. 149 Saint-Charles posmaSainter
Lespérance Paul A. 149 Saint-Charles watchmaker and jeweller and operator Dominion Télégraph
Lespérance Octave 29 Saint-Thomas laborer
Lespérance Toussaint 24 Sainte-Elizabeth carter
Létourneau Louis 34 chemin de Chambly laborer
Léveillé Charles chemin de Chambly laborer
Loiseau Maxime 135 Saint-Charles blacksmith
Lincourt Joseph 2 Saint-Léon laborer
Lincourt Pierre 29 Sainte-Elizabeth laborer
Lomer G. jun
manufacturers' general agent and agent Transatlantic

Marine insurance Co.
Longfield Mrs M., wid. George Grant
Longpré Joseph 34 Saint-Thomas carter
Longueuil Market N. Tavernier Saint-Charles clerk
Longueuil Water Works William M. Gibson 1 Saint-Charles engineer and manager
Loranger L. Onésime 6 Bord de l'eau advocate
Lovelace Edgar 11 Saint-Jean of Henderson & lovelace
Lusher E. 2 Saint-Jacques auctioneer
Lussier Antoine 6 Saint-Jacques fisherman
Lussier Arthur 30 Saint-André shoemaker
Lussier Mathurin 35 Saint-Jean
Lussier Pierre jun. 47 Saint-Charles painter
Lussier Pierre 26 Saint-André laborer
Lussier Pierre jun. 16 Saint-André laborer
Lussier Pierre sen. 7 Saint-Thomas opp fisherman
Macfarlane Wm 96 Saint-Alexandre bds clerk
McClure James 2 Grant merchant
McDof Alf. 16 Radegonde baker
McIntosh Angus 4 Saint-Jacques
McIntyre Duncan 33 chemin de Chambly, bds
McKing N. 16 Saint-Alexandre bds clerk
McShane James 13 Saint-Sylvestre joiner
Maguire Mrs, wid. James Saint-Charles
Maguire Mrs Catherine, wid. James 24 Longueuil
Mailloux André 22 Sainte-Elizabeth moulder
Mailloux André 3 Saint-Jean moulder
Mainville Alexis 15 Saint-Caroline joiner
Malhiot Ernest 15 Saint-André joiner
Marchand Louis
Princess Royal av notary, sec.-treas. Of schools and town of Longueuil
Marchand Mrs Philimène, wid. Joseph Urbain 123-125 Saint-Charles
Marien Toussaint 59 Grant
Marion Horace 7 Saint-Caroline painter
Marion Oscar 86 Saint-Charles boatman
Martel Théophile 4 Grant plaSainterer
Martin Ephrem 77 Saint-Charles h 79 Saint-Charles proprietor Longueuil Terrapin
Martinbeault Narcisse 19 Saint-Laurent r baker
Masonic Hall 12 Charlotte
Massé Mrs Augustin Saint-Alexandre
Ménard Napoléon 26 Saint-Sylvestre laborer
Ménard Jos 26 Saint-Sylvestre carpenter
Ménard Pierre Saint-Adolphe laborer
Mercil Antoine 10 Longueuil joiner
Mercil Louis 3 Saint-André farmer
Mercil Miss Christine 25 Saint-Caroline
Mercil Miss Philomène 18 Sainte-Elizabeth dressmaker
Messier Louis 38 chemin de Chambly shoemaker
Meunier Amédée 87 chemin de Chambly blacksmith
Michaud Narcisse 48 Saint-Charles, h 56 Saint-Charles grocer
Moffat Wm R. 7 Saint-Jean com traveller
Mondor Rev F. 92 Saint-Charles vicar
Mongeau J. Napoléon 23 chemin de Chambly advocate C. R.
Mongeau Mrs, wid. Joseph 67 Saint-Charles
Montarville club Charles Saint-Michel 75 Sainte-Elizabeth president
Montcalm Constant 28 Saint-Jean r laborer
Montcalm Jos 32 Saint-Sylvestre roofer
Montreal Telegraph Co. Moïse Bouthillier 54 Saint-Charles operator
16 Saint-Alexandre bds clerk
Moreau Frs 33 Saint-Alexandre founder
Moreau Pierre 213 Saint-Charles advocate C. R.
Morin Edouard 5 Saint-André carter
Morin J. Bte 129 chemin de Chambly blacksmith
Morin L. E., sen. Princess Royal av agent public works and fish inspector, Bellevue Cottage
Morin Napoléon chemin de  Chambly, n toolgate baker
Municipality of Longueuil Isidore Hurteau, mayor Longueuil market
Muir John 14 Saint-Charles n clerk
Muir Mrs William 8 Saint-Charles
Narbonne Adolphe Saint-Sylvestre mason
Narbonne Chs Saint-Laurent mason
Narbonne Cyprien 20 Saint-Sylvestre mason
Narbonne Sylvain 30 Saint-Jean mason
Neve Rev. F. S. 42, Saint-Thomas, Church of England
Normand L. J. 20 Saint-Alexandre writer
Normandin Albany 67 Saint-Charles clerk
Normandin Alfred 26 chemin de Chambly clerk
Normandin Bruno 12 Saint-Jean baker
Normandin Chs 62 chemin de Chambly butcher
Normandin Edouard 63 Saint-Laurent baker
Normandin Miss P. 40 chemin de Chambly dressmaker
Normandin Mrs P., wid. M. 64 chemin de Chambly
Normandin Mrs T., wid. André 58 chemin de Chambly
Notman Wm 3 Charlotte photographer
O'Brien Thomas 23 Guilbault av laborer
Office of Inspector of weights and mesures J. E. Lamoureux 139 Saint-Charles inspector
O'Flaherty John 71 Saint-Charles bds commission merchant
OSaintell Thos 2 Saint-Alexandre of OSaintell & Co.
Pages François 81 chemin de Chambly joiner
Pages Michel 83 chemin de Chambly carter
Paquette Jérémie 53 Saint-Charles engineer
Paquette Mrs Marie, wid Joseph 31-33 chemin de Chambly
Patenaude Alfred 60 chemin de Chambly trader
Patenaude Alphonse 74 chemin de  Chambly mason
Patenaude Jean Bte 32 Sainte-Elizabeth joiner
Patenaude Louis 69 chemin de Chambly carter
Patenaude Mrs Adèle, wid. Eustache 19 Saint-Jacques
Patenaude Napoléon 173 Saint-Charles trader
Patenaude Nicolas 16 Longueuil
Patenaude Solomon 33 Grant joiner
Paxton John Dufferin Of Paxton & Co.
Payette Israël 17 Saint-André mason
Pell A. J. 1 Saint-Jean agent sewing machines and looking glass manufacturer
Pellerin Louis 44 Saint-Thomas moulder
Pennington Milton 22 Bord de l'eau of J. McArthur & Son
Pepin Pierre J. 28 chemin de Chambly joiner
Perras Charles jun. 42 Guilbault av joiner
Perras Chas. Sen. 12 Sainte-Elizabeth joiner
Perry J. D. 44 chemin de Chambly clerk G.T.R.
Piché Louis 13 Saint-Jacques shoemaker
Plouffe Alfred 109 Saint-Charles retaurant
Plouffe Jacques 1 Saint-Jacques ice merchant
Poirier Chas. 85 chemin de Chambly butcher
Poirier François 26 chemin de Chambly butcher
Poirier Michel 65 Saint-Charles butcher
Poirier Octave 22 Grant conductor M. Q. C. & O. R. R.
Police Station W. Beaudoin Saint-Charles, Town Hall chief

N. Tavernier
deputy chief

Alfred Plouffe
Port Charles 32 Saint-Elizabeth finisher
Post Office Pierre Lespérance 149 Saint-Charles postmaSainter
Potvin Hypolite 1 Saint-Radegonde pilot
Potvin Jean Bte 6 Saint-Radegonde engineer
Power John Sainte-Elizabeth joiner
Pratt Charles Alfred 37 chemin de Chambly M. D.
Préfontaine dit Fournier François 18 Saint-André
Préfontaine Mrs Philimène, wid. ludger 27 Grant
Préfontaine Thomas 133 Saint-Charles
Provost Antoine 5 Saint-Antoine laborer
Provost Camille 121 Saint-Charles contractor
Provost Emile 121 Saint-Charles bookkeeper
Quintal Jos 14 Saint-Alexandre laborer
Racicot Jean Bte 26 Bord de l'eau carter
Racine Mrs Mathilde, wid. Edouard 33 Saint-Alexandre opp
Racine Pierre 24 Saint-Jean farmer
Rancour Pierre 29 Sainte-Elizabeth laborer
Registry Office P. E. Hurteau 32 chemin de Chambly N. P. registrar
Renaud Antoine 18 Saint-Sylvestre
Renaud Augustin chemin de Chambly trader
Renaud & Fils
chemin de Chambly r grocers
Renaud François 93 chemin de Chambly shoemaker
Renaud Frs X. jun. 93 chemin de Chambly of Renaud & Fils
Renaud Frs X. sen. 93 chemin de Chambly of Renaud & Fils
Renaud Jos 64-66 Saint-Charles tinsmith
Renaud Louis 67 Grant joiner
Richard Joseph 76 Sainte-Elizabeth laborer
Richard Joseph Saint-Charles and Quinn cor Hotel Montarville
Richards Joseph Dufferin merchant tailor
Riendeau Alex 25 Saint-Alexandre moulder
Riendeau Antoine Saint-Alexandre moulder
Riendeau Benjamin 14 Sainte-Elizabeth laborer
Riendeau Joseph 5 Saint-Jacques laborer
Riendeau Pierre 25 Saint-Alexandre moulder
Riendeau Pierre Sainte-Elizabeth moulder
Robert Jos 21 Sainte-Elizabeth grocer
Robert Prudent 145 chemin de Chambly
Robitaille Régis 19 Grant joiner
Roch Jos 14 Saint-Thomas sailor
16 Sainte-Elizabeth
Rose J. 33 chemin de Chambly, bds
Roussin Hypolite 78 Saint-Charles advocate
Roy Etienne 25 Saint-Thomas blacksmith
Ryan Mrs Elizabeth, wid. Edward Quinn av
Sabourin F. X. 78 Saint-Charles n restaurant
Sabourin Moïse 91 chemin de Chambly farmer
Salle D'Asile by Grey Nuns SiSainter Christin 26 Grant superioress
Salmon Gustave 21 Saint-Thomas mechanic
Salmon Nestor 22 Saint-Alexandre baker
Sanfaçon Pierre 43 Saint-Jean tin roofer
Santoire Amable 67 Saint-Laurent
Savaria J. Bte 11 Saint-Laurent painter
Savaria Louis 53 Grant Engineer
School house Miss FoSainter Saint-Charles teacher
Sclater Mrs Isabella, wid. Alex. 10 Saint-Charles
Sclater William 10 Saint-Charles traveller
Seigniorial office Isaac Coote 97 Saint-Charles agent
Senécal Louis 18 Saint-Caroline baker
Sexton D. M. 71 Saint-Charles bds clerk
Shaw David 28 Bord de l'eau shipping agent
Sicotte Alphonse 27 Sainte-Elizabeth sailor
Slater William Saint-Charles hardware
Smith Andrew W. 8 Bord de l'eau clerk
Smith David Victoria av broker, Leonora cottage
Smith John 40 Longueuil merchant
Smith John 40 Saint-Charles of John Smith & Co.
Saintevenson Wm 16 Saint-Alexandre bds merchant
Saint-Antoine Church, Roman catholic rev. Geo Thibault Saint-Charles curate
Saint-Germain Charles 8 Saint-Jacques laborer
Saint-Germain François 12 Saint-Jacques r laborer
Saint-Germain Joseph 10 Saint-Jacques joiner
Saint-Jean Azarie 17 Saint-Caroline shoemaker
Saint-Michel Charles 124 Saint-Charles butcher
Saint-Michel Joseph chemin de Chambly butcher
Sainte-Marie André 71-73 Saint-Charles bdg hse and confectionner
Sainte-Marie Camille 38 Grant farmer
Sainte-Marie Mrs C., wid. Alex. 128 Saint-Charles
Sainte-Marie Pierre 34 Longueuil joiner
Saint-Mars Frs 13 chemin de Chambly conductor G.T.R.
Saint-Mars Michel 40 Grant joiner
Saint-Mars Romuald 70 Sainte-Elizabeth engineer
Saint-Pierre C., wid. Eusèbe 26 Guilbault av
Tabart Louis 42 Saint-Charles cabinetmaker
Tavernier Nicolas 133 chemin de Chambly sub-chief police
Thibeault Rev. G. 92 Saint-Charles curé
Thivierge Mrs Adelaide, wid. Louis 22 Radegonde
Thompson Wm Victoria av shipping agent
Thuot Mrs Flavie, wid. Hubert 12 chemin de Chambly trader
Thuot Théophile 5 Saint-André water carrier
Tremblay Mts Marguerite, wid. F. 51 Grant
Trudeau Adolphe 122 Saint-Charles
Trudeau Adolphe 187 Saint-Charles farmer
Trudeau André sen. 187 Saint-Charles
Trudeau Frédéric 57 Sainte-Elizabeth laborer
Trudeau J. Bte 21 Saint-André bailiff S. C.
Trudeau Louis 69 Saint-Charles
Trudeau Moïse 153 Saint-Charles cor Charlotte grocer
Trudeau Pierre 18 chemin de Chambly
Trudeau Pierre 14 Saint-Radegonde
Turpin Wm 71 Saint-Charles bds provision store
Valade Frs X. 28 Longueuil notary
Vernet Joseph 40 Saint-Charles road inspector G.T.R.
Viau F. X. 59 Saint-Charles shoemaker
Viau Marc 56 chemin de Chambly laborer
Vincent Jos Louis 29 Saint-Alexandre excise officer
Vincent Mrs Rosalie, wid. O. 5 Saint-Radegonde
Viger Eusèbe 153 Saint-Charles baker
Viger Frs B. 22 chemin de Chambly
Viger Michel 137 Saint-Charles
Walker H. W. Victoria av, summer hse bookkeeper G.T.R.
Walker James F. Saint-James asistant auditor G.T.R.
Warren C. S. Saint-Jacques merchant
71 Saint-Charles bds clerk
Watts F.L.W. 153 Saint-Charles Clerk G.T.R.